The majority of this day was bright sunshine & gentle breezes, with just the statutory shower in the late afternoon. Serious activity began at mid-morning when we drove halfway down the hill to the end of free parking and took what is becoming our “usual walk” which was very pleasant under the weather circumstances. Afterwards Nick dropped me and the wheelchair at the Esperance Hospital & while he went to a car auction (just for the experience against the future) I joined Mum-Mum, made sure all was ready, we had coffee together, I got as nurse to do something about her bare feet (they’d been wrapped on the way there so we didn’t have socks & shoes). We hadn’t been able to get an appropriate taxi until noon. In due course we vacated the room, with some help, and established ourselves in the lobby.
The taxi was only a few minutes late, all went well with the loading, although the walker was a tight squeeze beside the wheelchair, in which Mum-Mum rode. The journey was smooth & speedy and the nursing home was prepared for us and she was duly installed in “her” room, just in time to get lunch, although she wasn’t very hungry. Nick had preceded us there & had a chat with his partner/nursing home manager. Once we were sure all was well we left Mum-Mum to digest and rest & headed to the flat to eat some lunch.
The early afternoon was spent in programming my laptop to work with the scanner/printer & all the attendant irritations of the switch from Nick to me, but eventually I got it working & the bugs out. Nick left for tea with the family’s former long-term pastor (who married both Faye & Katy, inter alia) & I slogged away scanning the one-of-a-kind pictures into the PC. I have made better progress than I had expected to do. I’m sure I’ll do some more tomorrow, as they seem to be coming out well.
It is good to know that the whole hospital/operation phase is over & done.
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