This was the Bron/Robb day. After a nice frost (no doubt considered sharp over here) everything was sparkling in the bright sunshine as Nick & I set off for London around 8:30 AM. Since it was a Saturday we had little trouble, although I was very glad it was Nick doing the driving (dodging & weaving?), especially as we got closer to Katy’s. Much of the day’s activity concerned either the children, or houses and flats, realtors, etc. Pam & I walked to a nearby emporium for some lunch supplies. I couldn’t help reflecting, as I looked around, that I would have needed a team of horses to get Maria out of there had she been with us!
After lunch we left Pam to babysit the sleeping kids (a state that lasted about 3 microseconds after we left) and went looking at the neighborhood Ben & Katy would like and at various dwellings on the market, just from the outside. I found it somewhat mind-boggling that the equivalent area of four of my family rooms stacked one above the other was worth close to a million dollars!
We returned to Katy’s for a “cuppa” and then made our farewells and headed back to Eastbourne. I must admit that previous reluctance to contemplate relocation to the UK was reinforced 1000%! I simply could not bear to live here anymore.
Back in Eastbourne we watched some Olympics (the British are simply ecstatic about their gold). However, we discovered that the quick meal Nick & I had bought required two hours in the oven, so we moved to plan B, our last bit of pasta & some sauce Katy had frozen & sent back with us!
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