Dull, dreary, dismal, depressing day of downpours describes this day the best (for my alliterative friend) as it was a day with virtually no redeeming qualities. Much of the morning was spent as first one & then a second realtor inspected the flat to provide us with a second and third opinion as to how best to present the flat for sale & roughly the kind of price that might be expected once it is ready for market.
Pam & I worked with pictures & with re-setting up Pam with a viable Flickr account so that she can see the USA side of the family’s pictures on a timely basis. In due course we had the lamb, along with separate vegetables that Nick & I had bought; very nice & just right for three of us despite being labeled as “for four”.
In the afternoon we went out & stopped first at Mum-Mum’s lawyers offices to get the documents previously stored there & that we will need to proceed with the sale of the flat. Then we went on to Mum-Mum in the nursing home & had a productive visit, sorting out a few things for her, putting up some more pictures for her, and generally chatting and (of course) doing crosswords. At a most suitable time her former helper stopped by with a bunch of flowers & intending to visit, so we took our leave of them & headed back to Eastbourne. We stopped at a supermarket, to get supplies for the flat, a few things for me to take home, and a lot of alcoholic beverages to take to Mum-Mum’s “cellar” tomorrow. We were reasonably successful and headed home for the evening.
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