This was a pleasant, gentle sort of day both in weather and socially. The primary activity of the morning was a visit to Mum-Mum, who was glad to see us but seemed a bit down. We later concluded that she has forgotten how recent the operation was and is now expecting to feel as well as she did a year ago already. She did say that the pain in her hip was far, far less than before. We again kept things going, when nurses weren’t attending her, as usual by doing crosswords, for which her mind is still good. We eventually left around lunchtime and bought a few culinary supplies en route home.
After lunch we enjoyed some quiet time and finally went out into the largely sunny day and made our usual vigorous seafront walk to the Martello Tower and back up the hill to the free parking, which was much fuller than recent days, as the locals took advantage of the nice day. We then identified a restaurant for the evening & made a reservation, after which we went up onto the Downs as far as Belle Toute (former) lighthouse and scoped out the proposed mass walk scheduled for Sunday, thereby cutting our grandiose ideas down to size.
In the evening we picked up Pat & Ange, who had made a nice long visit to Mum-Mum themselves in the afternoon, and went and had a nice leisurely Chinese dinner, served to us but buffet style in that we could order a few dishes at a time, with more following until we were all well (over?) fed. All in all it was a pleasant and relatively stress-free day.
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